Monday, November 22, 2010

Walking where I've never walked before.

Good evening!  Today I was off work.

I managed to get up at 9:23 this morning, even after a long long weekend of working.  That was good.  I was pleased.
A lemon water/cayenne cocktail this morning and then a delicious green monster paired with buttered toast made from SCRATCHbread's batard.
more like an brownish monster today
 I started my walk to the union square farmer's market but only got as far as just over the Brooklyn Bridge before I hopped on the subway.  I was running out of time; I can't just walk everywhere, unfortunately.  I HATE the subway.

The walk was lovely and I'd never walked over the Brooklyn Bridge fully before. I'd biked it a million times but it was nice to see it more slowly.  I actually laughed out loud when I saw an teenage boy guide his father to the railing of the walkway with the mother following closely behind with a camera, ready to capture the father at the peak of his fear. 

I bought a bunch of loot at the market: goat cheese, butter, broccoli, salad greens, tomatoes, a yellow pepper, eggs.
I hopped back on the terrible underground subway and tried not to stare at anyone and feign interest in the same Jetblue ad for 40 minutes and by the time I got to my old apartment around 3:45 to continue packing/moving I was pretty hungry.  I immediately ate three leftover chicken fingers in the fridge. Then I felt better.
 By the way, I actually took pictures of the various activities of today but I left the camera in my old apartment.  We're all going to suffer until I finish moving nkay?

When I got home, I had a quick apple with almond butter.  The almond butter was unsalted and so I thought myself clever as I sprinkled a little salt on top.
No.  I was mistaken.  It only made for a disgusting salty apple.  Apparently the salt needs to be mixed in, which I should've known. 

Tonight's dinner consisted of more of the similar foodz of the week:
I also lured my roommate LouP into eating some of the sauce!  Muhahahahahaha!

Spaghetti squash with turkey and Brussels sprouts tomato sauce and a little goat cheese melted in, three small pieces of toast with butter, and salad.

I also snacked on a fair amount of saltwater taffies this afternoon.  Moving days=uptick in saltwater taffy ingestion.  Probably 10.  But I don't care.  I'm doing so many good things that I just can't let it bother me.

After all:

No smoking
No drinking

4.0 miles walked today and
45 pushups today (Day 1 of Week 2 of the Pushup Challenge)

The pushups were pretty tough today.  I realized about halfway through the sets that the Challenge calls for doing the workout three times a week, not every other day.  So, I'm going to bed doing it Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from now on, taking weekends off.

I'm going to research more recipes for Thanksgiving.  I'm thinking about this, but we'll see.  Cranberrries make me think of Cape Cod, and I am missing the Cape a lot these days.  Fall is so beautiful there.  And peaceful.  Everyone should make a trip there in the fall.

I think I promised LouP I'd go see Harry Potter with her this week.  Hrmph.

K.  Time to read and go to bed.  Night!

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