Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's working.

First things first.  I haven't posted very much lately, and I haven't posted my food in a while mostly because it bores me to tears sometimes, and also I get lazy, and also I hate blogger (sorry blogger your platform sucks) and I'm trying to figure out how to switch my blog over to either tumblr or wordpress, and also sometimes I eat food I don't want to post.  Cause it looks bad/weird.  Remember when I baked those cookies and lined them up on an empty paper towel roll thing and took a picture?  Sorry about that.

But here are some of my eats for today:

Lunch: I ate about half this corporate-deli salad for lunch.
Dinner: Pan-roasted pork chop with butternut squash and gravy with spinach blended in.  I made the gravy because there were delicious bits leftover on the bottom of the pan begging to be deglazed.  Pork chops don't really need gravy.  BECAUSE THEY ARE SO MOIST AND DELICIOUS ALREADY.
Breakfast was a small bowl of granola with regular milk (ew kind of), and then some weird small breakfast sandwich later from Starbucks cause I thought the cute girl might be working this morning. She wasn't.  I also had two Kumquat Cupcakes.  They have peanut butter in them.  What was I to do.

Ok SO.  Now that the pleasantries are out of the way I can talk about what I really want to talk about.

The other day, I was at a friend's house I rarely go to.  I remembered that way back towards the end of the summer I weighed myself on her scale. 
I was kind of horrified.  I don't think I'm ready to start telling the blogworld my weight, but it was the most I had ever weighed in my life. 
So, the other night I got back on that scale.  I now weigh 20 pounds less.  Sure, some of it must be stress, and the fact that I was sick for 3 weeks.  But clearly some of the changes I've made in the way I live my life must have something to do with it.
I've been struggling with smoking, and with winter, and with motivation lately so this couldn't have come at a better time.  To review:

- I'm exercising.  Not a ton, but way more than I was several months ago.  I jogged a bunch of the way home in a snowstorm the other night.  No one I know was even out in that storm, and there I am jogging in a tire track.

- I'm eating A LOT better.  I've found an eating style that seems to be working well for me.  Most of what I eat I base off a site called Fitness Spotlight, which balances paleo-eating principles with something totally crazy called moderation.  When I'm home I eat organic 90% of the time, very little dairy, very few refined carbs, lots of veggies, fruit, lean pastured meat, and a fair amount of fat.  I cook for myself a lot.  When I go out or really have a craving for something I basically eat what I want.  More on that in another post.  Oh and it should be noted that I used to eat ice cream AT LEAST twice a week.  Next week I'll be able to say I haven't had more than one bite (at the Stanton Social waddayawantfromme) of the stuff in four months.  Not that I won't ever eat it again.  I'm just saying that's how much better I'm eating right now.

- Still struggling with smoking.  Oy.  OY.

- I have yet to join a gym, which I've been saying I'm going to do forever.  Sometimes I have trouble making decisions.  My mother says I move at a "glacial pace", which is hilarious and accurate.  But I have found a gym buddy!  And we have plans to work out next week, unless I decide to go visit my family upstate in which case I will force my brother to work out with me (you've been warned danny).

Progress, not perfection.  And I believe I am making some!


If we get another storm next week (which wise Rafael says we will - "Suntines I tink the wintair will neber end"), I'll jog in that too.