Friday, November 19, 2010

Stress Eating

Hello, hello!

This morning I started my day with a lemon water/cayenne miracle and leftover ma po tofu and Ching Qong chicken over brown basmati rice.

No green monster today.  Low on greens and stressed out and basically just crawled my way through the day.

An hour later, an apple!  And Glee.

Today I had to move some stuff out of my old apartment and drive it to my parents' apartment upstate.  Ugh. Stress.

Around 4 my friend Lauren and I were starving TO DEATH.  I ordered us a small veggie pizza and a some chicken fingers to sustain us (me) through the nightmare of moving.  I had about 5 chicken fingers and a slice of pizza (no crust).  Weird pizza.  No tomato sauce.  What the hair is that about?

I drove upstate and wanted to smoke the whole time.  I haven't had sustained cravings like that until today.  Instead, I ate a Twix and a million (maybe 10?) Now and Laters.

My mother made me one of her famous caeser salads around 10 pm, to which I added some spinach, and then I relaxed with my parents and played some board games.  Then I hung out with my hilarious brother and his friends, most of which I've known longer than my friends.

Last night after my blog post, I also had a couple of saltines with farmstand cheese and preserves on top and several saltwater taffies.

Perhaps my eating habits today and late last night had something to do with my feeling stressed out and upset today.

But I'm not gonna worry about it.  I ended the day on a high note, hanging out with my family and some friends.  Even though I was with a bunch of smokers who were drinking a bunch of beer, I didn't smoke and I didn't drink.  And it feels good to be working towards something and seeing myself achieve it.

Exercise today: Just finished Day 2 of the Hundred Pushup Challenge.

Time to shop for scales online.  I think it's time.  And then to bed!  Goodnight.


  1. Don't smoke! Don't do it! I'm so proud of you and the whole not smoking thing!!!

  2. That is some serious will power my friend--GOOD JOB!! I have had much less to drink this week too and it feels good to not wake up every morning craving Tom's and a bloody mary.

    ALSO, my friend aldana quit smoking with the help of Nibs (the little chocolate chewy candy). I think they're less caloric than now and laters but still quite entertaining to the mouth.
