Friday, November 26, 2010

I love Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm at my parents house for the second time in as many weeks.
I'm really glad to be hanging out with my brother this much.  I also have a couple of good friends here with me and it's great to hang out with them.

This morning I woke up and took 5 g of creatine.  I've been reading about creatine and discussing it with friends.  It seems if you're starting out on a workout plan that a cycle of creatine boosts your energy and also confidence and helps you feel gains immediately, which is good for a beginner.  I'll be researching supplements and discussing them on this blog as I find out more.

It is not recommended to ingest citric acid with creatine so I waited a while and then took my lemon water/cayenne bomb.

I made on for Sandy Jeans, too.
He loves it!

After a marvelous breakfast on my mother's spinach and pasta salad and about 3/4 of a cup of cottage cheese, my friends and I went on a quick 45 minute hike on the Appalachian trail a couple of miles from my parents' house.

 The last time I did this hike was probably a year ago or so and it killed me.  Since I quick smoking 2 1/2 weeks ago (!) and started a more healthy lifestyle, I wanted to see if there was any difference in my performance.
Maybe.  A little.  I still got winded fairly easily and went at a slower pace than my friends.  It was interesting to experience, and I can't delude myself into thinking I'm making progress faster than I am.  It'll be interesting to see where I am in six months.

Anyway, the hike felt great.  We should've gone for a little longer but ran out of time.

There were some great views!

And terrifying views.

I held on to a tree.  Cause I'm a baby-child when it comes to heights,

And you know you've been in NY too long when you're amazed at how big the woods are.  I mean, come on.  I grew up here.  What the hair.

Around 4:30 we settled into Thanksgiving dinner.  Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin bread, biscuits, baby carrots with dill, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and PIE.  And CAKE.

I was stuffed.

Also today I had a piece of my pumpkin bread around 2:15 to tide me over til dinner.

It's 11:47 and I just took another 5 g of creatine mixed with a little grape juice.  Apparently simple carbs help absorption of the creatine.

I didn't take any pictures.  I lost my camera for a while.  Don't worry, I'm working on it.

Tomorrow I'm going to the gym with my brother who works out like I want to - heavy compound exercises - squats, deadlifts, clean-and-presses.  I want him to show me form so I can feel confident when I do them by myself.  Although I have been toying with the idea of a personal trainer for a few sessions.  We'll see.

No smoking.
No drinking.
And a hike!
K, night!

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