Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eating at Work

I'm glad I ate well today before work.  Before I left I had a small bowl of edamame.

I walked 2.0 miles to work and around 6pm had a pretty large burrito.

Rice, beans, cheese, a little steak, guac, onion, hot sauce, sour cream.
I don't know why I do that.  I don't even really enjoy food while I'm at work.  I should eat minimally and then splurge when I'm out.  I guess just because I can.
I then continued to graze now and then.  I probably had 15 tortilla chips, some guac, some chicken, some steak...  As a cook, it can be hard to eat well.  Generally, you graze.  You're constantly tasting.  I'm not going to worry about this too much now, and fortunately I'm only cooking twice a week right now, but this is something I'm probably going to want to curtail eventually.

I walked home around 11pm another 2.0 miles.

Atlantic Yards fake sidewalk scaffolding bridge thingy.

I'm now enjoying a plate of fruit.  I'm going to make some phone calls, chase the cat around the house, and get ready for bed.  Goodnight!

Couple of tiny pears and an apple.  Farmer's market, natch.

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