Evening. This morning I slurped a lemon water/cayenne drink and then grabbed another banana as I was running out the door at 730.
I walked 1.2 miles again to work and then grabbed a Perfect Oatmeal from Starbucks around 8:30, which I had never had before. Pretty good! Comes with a little packet of nuts and dried fruit. And a packet of brown sugar, of which I used about 1/3.
After yesterday's gross/weird barbecue chicken fiasco I just bit the bullet. Oatmeal: It's what for breakfast.
I also had 5g of creatine mixed with a little grape juice, which makes me feel like a child.
A beautiful picture |
The grape juice, not the creatine.
Then I bought a rug that used to belong to Bernie Madoff.
It's mine now! |
I ran out to a store around lunchtime and grabbed some food, since the food available at my job isn't particularly healthful. Almonds, granola bars, tuna, and reduced fat triscuits. Reduced fat triscuits don't exactly follow my new dedication to eating whole foods, but there are only three ingredients in them. Not the end of the world.
So for lunch I had an artichoke salad with some of the tuna and about 7 triscuits.
bout twice this much salad/tuna |
Not delicious, but filled me up.
Dinner was two pieces of whole-wheat toast with mustard and tomato with cheddar melted on top. Also, a piece of my roommate's killer leek and ham tart (she's french. jeal?) and a salad made with dressing I made myself and didn't come out that great. I may have made an error with the amount of olive oil I used.
Don't forget to eat on your computer! I never forget. |
Snacks included about half of this peanut butter cookie today.
I ate the other half, not this half, see. |
And some almonds.
And a granola bar.
Tomorrow is a big day, and not in a great way. Well, maybe. I finish moving out of my apartment and up three flights of stairs into my new one, which will probably take the majority of the day and possibly the evening, but FIRST I have to go to court. Ugh.
Moving forward sucks sometimes.
In better news, I think I AM going to join the gym in my neighborhood,
Resurgent Fitness. It's cheap and small and minimal, which I like. Walking everywhere is great, but I'm getting busier and I don't have as much time anymore. Besides, I want to get into a real routine and kick the fitness up a notch. I'm still feeling the workout with my brother on Friday, and I like the way I feel. Muscles ache that haven't ached in years.
I may also take a class or two of pilates or yoga at
this place, also close to my apartment. I'm not sure yet, though. I'm a little leery of these low-key stretchy exercises. Maybe.
But first, tomorrow. The day from hell. I have a bad attitude, I know.
Time to go to bed.
Have a great week!