Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's working.

First things first.  I haven't posted very much lately, and I haven't posted my food in a while mostly because it bores me to tears sometimes, and also I get lazy, and also I hate blogger (sorry blogger your platform sucks) and I'm trying to figure out how to switch my blog over to either tumblr or wordpress, and also sometimes I eat food I don't want to post.  Cause it looks bad/weird.  Remember when I baked those cookies and lined them up on an empty paper towel roll thing and took a picture?  Sorry about that.

But here are some of my eats for today:

Lunch: I ate about half this corporate-deli salad for lunch.
Dinner: Pan-roasted pork chop with butternut squash and gravy with spinach blended in.  I made the gravy because there were delicious bits leftover on the bottom of the pan begging to be deglazed.  Pork chops don't really need gravy.  BECAUSE THEY ARE SO MOIST AND DELICIOUS ALREADY.
Breakfast was a small bowl of granola with regular milk (ew kind of), and then some weird small breakfast sandwich later from Starbucks cause I thought the cute girl might be working this morning. She wasn't.  I also had two Kumquat Cupcakes.  They have peanut butter in them.  What was I to do.

Ok SO.  Now that the pleasantries are out of the way I can talk about what I really want to talk about.

The other day, I was at a friend's house I rarely go to.  I remembered that way back towards the end of the summer I weighed myself on her scale. 
I was kind of horrified.  I don't think I'm ready to start telling the blogworld my weight, but it was the most I had ever weighed in my life. 
So, the other night I got back on that scale.  I now weigh 20 pounds less.  Sure, some of it must be stress, and the fact that I was sick for 3 weeks.  But clearly some of the changes I've made in the way I live my life must have something to do with it.
I've been struggling with smoking, and with winter, and with motivation lately so this couldn't have come at a better time.  To review:

- I'm exercising.  Not a ton, but way more than I was several months ago.  I jogged a bunch of the way home in a snowstorm the other night.  No one I know was even out in that storm, and there I am jogging in a tire track.

- I'm eating A LOT better.  I've found an eating style that seems to be working well for me.  Most of what I eat I base off a site called Fitness Spotlight, which balances paleo-eating principles with something totally crazy called moderation.  When I'm home I eat organic 90% of the time, very little dairy, very few refined carbs, lots of veggies, fruit, lean pastured meat, and a fair amount of fat.  I cook for myself a lot.  When I go out or really have a craving for something I basically eat what I want.  More on that in another post.  Oh and it should be noted that I used to eat ice cream AT LEAST twice a week.  Next week I'll be able to say I haven't had more than one bite (at the Stanton Social waddayawantfromme) of the stuff in four months.  Not that I won't ever eat it again.  I'm just saying that's how much better I'm eating right now.

- Still struggling with smoking.  Oy.  OY.

- I have yet to join a gym, which I've been saying I'm going to do forever.  Sometimes I have trouble making decisions.  My mother says I move at a "glacial pace", which is hilarious and accurate.  But I have found a gym buddy!  And we have plans to work out next week, unless I decide to go visit my family upstate in which case I will force my brother to work out with me (you've been warned danny).

Progress, not perfection.  And I believe I am making some!


If we get another storm next week (which wise Rafael says we will - "Suntines I tink the wintair will neber end"), I'll jog in that too. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

You can exercise in the snowstorm if you want.

You just gotta walk around a bunch and use your stabilizing muscles to try not to break your face.
  I walked four miles round-trip in the storm, and a couple yesterday afterwards.  It kicked. 
Was beautiful.
Atlantic Ave


what's that lump? a car.

Prospect Park is gorgeous after a storm.

Grand Army Plaza, my fave
Later: a post about chicken and pork.  And how much weight I've lost since September.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pasta with kale that tastes good, I swear.

So I've been promising a kale recipe.  I've been promising a lot of things, lately, like also my New Year's resolutions.  And that I'm going to join the gym.

Well, if it seems like my my blog is kind of...spotty...that's because my BRAIN is kind of spotty these days.  Big life changes (like breakups) can do that to you.  I have a whole lot more time and space IN MY HEAD and although I like it, it can be hard to focus. 

But sometimes we have to round up the energies and point em somewhere.  In this case, the delicious pasta with kale that I made. 
This may not seem like a big deal.  Let me tell you why what I made was such a success:

1. Often, when I try to do things "my way" or I "have a great idea" about how to change a tried and true technique, failure and chaos ensue.  Like when I went through my cinnamon phase, because I thought it would be good in just about everything.  That turned out to not be true.  Yes, I am a former professional cook and have concocted some marvelous dishes.  But I have also made some serious disasters.  Ask my mother about the time I made potato salad for her birthday and used vanilla yogurt by accident.  Oops.
- the point is - this time my idea worked!!

2. I am trying to eat more seasonally, locally, sustainably.  I know this makes people's eyes glaze over when they see/hear those words at this point, even if they, too, are trying to do the same thing, so I try not to bore people more than I have to.  And it in itself is boring.  I've been eating a lot of squash these past few months.  Swiss chard.  Sweet potatoes.  Rosemary.  And yes, kale.  This is not light food.   You could temporarily patch the roof of your home with kale, if need be. You could hurt somebody with rosemary.  It looks like something you could break off a tree and make your horse go faster with.  That stuff is no joke.  We're not playing with basil and  thyme anymore, people.  It is HEARTY. 

Anyway.  So when I figured out a great way to use kale, I was very excited.

I don't really have a recipe.  I've made ziti and lasagna a zillion times and don't really use a recipe anymore.  You can look one up and start from there.

I had some grass-fed ground beef I need to use, and some ricotta, and some mozz.  So, ziti it was.  You don't HAVE TO steal your roommate's organic penne, but it'll taste better than the whole-wheat thin spaghetti you bought during one of your stupider trips to the grocery store.  It will stay in the cabinet possibly forever.

Kyle's Non-Recipe Baked Pasta with Kale
Put a pot of water on the stove.  Big pot. 
I browned the beef, tossed in some chopped onion and garlic, and let those soften.  Then I dumped in some canned tomato and some thyme. 

While this simmers away, your water has come to a boil.  Throw a bunch or two of kale in there.  You've cut off the ends of it where the very hearty stem/stalk is.  Let that roam around in the pot for about 2-3 minutes.  You want to soften the kale.  You're softening this brillo pad of a vegetable is what you're doing.  THEN you're going to scoop the kale out with a spider or a slotted spoon and let in drain in a colander because you're going to use the water again for the pasta. 

Bring the water again to a boil and salt it.  You didn't salt it for the kale because somewhere along my culinary path in life I got it in my head that if you salt the water you're going to blanche kale with it'll make the kale tough. 
I'm sticking with it.

Anyway, so cook your pasta.

So while your pasta is cooking, you take your kale and dump it in your blender or food processor.  Add maybe half a cup to a cup of your tomato sauce.  It's ok if there's a few chunks of meat or mushroom or whatever you put in the sauce in there.  You're just rustic like that.
 So you blend the hell out of it.  This breaks the brillo pad down into a tasty sauce.  I also added a couple of tablespoons of ricotta to the mixture, which turned out delightfully.  Add salt and pepper to taste.
 Layer your kale sauce with your tomato sauce.  I only had one layer of kale sauce because I only had one bunch of kale.  But next time, definitely two.  Might as well get all the kale in there you can.
And there you have it.  Seasonally appropriate baked pasta.  Loaded with veg.  My experiment worked and we can all reap the benefits.  Joy!

I walked two miles today.  Goodnight.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted

My weekends are so very busy.  And sometimes, I, too, am busy even without weekends.  Let's do a quick catch-up:

 Pizza with Nate.
 This is Nate.  He knits.
 Split a meatball sub with Ayla.  This is Ayla being hilarious.
 Comedy show at Upright Citizen's Brigade Theater.  Hannibal Buress was the best, by far.
 Watched a movie called Smiley Face with Bone and Jay.  Bone doesn't get to pick the movie next time.
 My new favorite bar Branded with friends.  Friend got "iced", a prank involving drinking a Smirnoff Ice all at once.  Shame ensues.
 Lunch with friends.
I ran into a friend while lunching with friends. LOVELY to see you, Clara.
 Hung out with the marvelous Isabel.  She came with me to the barbershop.
 Went for an early dinner.  Stale bread.  We ate it all.
 I ordered the tuna tartar, 1998's most popular appetizer. 
Tuna tartar proved not to be very filling; Isabel lives a half block from Lucali!!!  First time there!!!  the only thing on the menu is pizza and calzone.  After mulling it over, we decided on a basil and garlic pizza.  DELICIOUS!!!  Suggestion:  take a date here.  Do it.  Doooo it.

I am now in love with Carroll Gardens.

Tried to walk as much as possible.  It's been very very cold.  Joining the gym this week, currently afflicted with food poisoning.

I die.

I have never written in this style of writing, and don't know why I am.  Could be the bug in my stomach has possessed me.

Later today:  Kale Baked Ziti.  Promise!!!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Going to find a group

I need to find some workout/activity buddies.  Need to spread my wings and broaden my horizons and whatnot.  Hmmmm.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Quick Post

Much to do. 

I'm finally better.  A few lingering coughs and a fairly nasal voice are all that's left.  Plans tonight.  Let's review the past couple days.

Besides a lazily ordered chicken sandwich from the pizza shop -
felt kinda gross after
Lunch was a grass-fed burger with spinach.
After cooking up the burger, threw a few mushrooms and garlic in the pan and let em soften

took some of my homemade chicken stock to deglaze and create a sauce
and poured it all over some raw spinach with balsamic and a bit of guac
and the last of the cookies.  yes, they're resting on a flattened paper towel roll.  i'm just single like that.
Now that I'm better I have to get in the habit of exercising again.  Many social plans for the evening and I'm going to try to walk to each of them (as much as time allows).  Next week, I'm joining my local Y, which among other perks, has spinning and boot camp classes during the day, which is perfect for my schedule.

I smoked the other night.

I know.   The exercise regimen should help.

I know I know I know.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I had to put a new notch in my belt.

because it was too big.  I find this pleasing.

Yes, mom, I'll buy a new belt.  This is a temporary solution.  I can see you looking disdainfully at this picture.

i had to get out tonight

so this morning i had this:
Same as last night.  Roasted veg, sauteed greens, a couple slices of grass-fed beef, and an egg. 

Many errands today, and many cookies i had baked.

A quick snack of the same as this morning, and I went out tonight.  Didn't drink much, but had to get out of the house! I. Had. To. Get. Out. Of. The. Houuuuuuuuuuuuuuse! And I got an old fashioned.

Met a buncha characters.   SNOW DAY!

night.  More tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



I'm feeling down.  Today was a bit of a struggle.  Tough day, tough week, tough month.  But I've made a list of goals I'd like to accomplish.  Which is good.

But first, today's eats.
Three small pieces of toast from the fancy Pullman loaf with Taleggio cheese and some more magical strawberry preserves from P.E.I., as well as another Mineola orange, the most delicious of all oranges.

Today was my first day off after working basically the entire weekend (I know, not really impressive, but whatever), so I lazed about and watched the first disk of the first season of Bored to Death, which was delightful.  It's filmed almost entirely in Brooklyn, so I spent a lot of time trying to figure out where exactly it was filmed (seems like Fort Greene and Park Slope).  I also stared a lot at Jason Schwartzman's face and hair.  I used to see him in DUMBO a lot and I always admired his hair.  So shiny and straight.  

After that life-changing morning, I readied for the Farmer's market to gather this week's bounty.  I thought I would walk, but that turned out to be a ridiculous idea, as I would've basically gotten there when the market was closing.  So I hopped on the terrible subway.

$40 worth of eggs, grass-fed beef, root vegetables, mushrooms, spinach, beets, rainbow chard later, I was starving and came upon a Chipotle.

I ordered a salad with half pork, half chicken, all the veggies, salsa, and yes, that mound of guac.  And that stupid soda.  I have to get out of the habit of ordering drinks like that just because I think it's stupid to pay for water.  Another reminder that I just need to carry my new Camelbak around with me.  Problem solved.  This meal, incidentally, was $13.50.  Good lordy.  I really regret getting that stupid fake fancy soda.  I drank barely half.

Then I wandered around trying to figure out if I should suffer through the first half of Black Swan again just so I could see the awesome sexiness of the 45 second black swan scene.  I decided no.
But it was a reminder that I have a damn hard time making up my mind and making decisions.  It drives everyone around me crazy.  Including me.

Dinner was roasted veg in pastured lard, and sauteed greens, as well as an egg and a few slices of steak.  The steak was a grass-fed london broil (which is not actually a cut; I'm not sure exactly what cut it was, maybe shoulder), that I broiled, hence the name.  I felt like I was playing 1982 NYC restaurant.  The broiler is a weird item.  The heat blasts down from above...I dunno.  I usually just panfry everything, unless it needs to be braised.
Anyway, I have tons of leftovers, which is good, because eating well is making me poor. 
That and all the cab rides.
But I'd rather blame the happy cows.
mini sweet potatoes, carrots, and parsnips.  thyme.  The parsnips tasted the best.

This marinated in a mixture of safflower oil (high smoke point), Worcestershire sauce, garlic, rosemary, thyme, and a mistake - Mineola orange zest.  Too sweet.  Still tasted pretty good, though.
crazy parsnip
I also had a glass of soymilk and several cookies that I baked, while video-chatting with my good friend on the other coast.
It's because peanut butter chips are like crack.  Just ask Sandy Jeans.
To bed I go, as I'm still feeling under the weather and was attacked by many a coughing fit today.  It should be noted, though, that I am getting really REALLY ansy about "taking it easy".  I feel like causing trouble, but my congested lungs couldn't handle it right now, and I'm trying to channel feelings like that into things like pushups and lifting weights and going for walks and things.  I can't wait to join a gym, and I better get better soon.  I don't know how long I can contain the beast.

I have to post-pone the Resolutions post yet again.  Cooked up too much of a storm today.


Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

 So.  Yesterday I went to work and before I went, managed to scarf down of bowl of the best cereal ever, Early Bird Granola, with soy milk.  This particular selection is the original, called Farmhand's Choice and is very good, though I think I like Aloha Blend the best. 
mmmm pecaaaans  
Lunch was a salad from one of those corporate delis.  It was remarkable satisfying.  Very filling.  Beans, and egg, chicken, croutons, and every veg they had with a little bit of Italian dressing (those guys notoriously over-dress those salads).  Kept me full for a while. 
 This salad will likely start showing up fairly regularly in the blog. 

Dinner was a plate of rice and beans with guac, salsas, and a bit of sour cream from Taqueria de los Muertos near my apartment.
My friend thought she was being HILARIOUS by putting her hand in the photo.

And a beer!  Well, about half a beer. I didn't finish it.  I met some friends after work and had to bring my dinner with me.
Snacks included this here banana.
And the other half of the Nature Valley granola bar that I had yesterday.  
I don't really like these things, everyone seems to love them, but they are food, and when I'm working, they keep me from getting cranky.
I also had some almonds.

Exercise?  No.  I'm getting over being sick, still.  But I can't wait to get moving again.

I leave you with the questions:  why does every bodega sell these crappy snacks?
 They taste terrible.  Some marketing dude is Guiliani's brother or a genius or something.  Myabe they're Kraft.  I dunno.  But every store in NYC sells these crap snacks.  

Who even eats Jordan Almonds anyway?