Sew. I'm very tired. I went to the farmer's market yesterday and got this ^ lovely bounty. Beets, radish turnip, Fuji apples, kale, pork chops (!), garlic, shoulder steak, ground turkey, pasture butter, eggs, rainbow trout, sunchokes, AND shishito peppers. The dark, leafy green veggies were not in abundance, with the exception of some out-of-season hothouse lettuces, which I did not get.
I started to walk home, thinking I would just hop on the train eventually, but I was having such a lovely walk in the sun that I just walked home via the Manhattan Bridge.
I've never walked over the Manhattan Bridge before, only biked. I got about a quarter of the way and realized my fear of heights was kicking in. I just had to power through. You cant just stop on the bridge. I knew if I even paused and gave in to the fear, I might have a very very long walk off the bridge ahead of me. It was nice to not give in to the feeling.
I got home around one thirty and had a couple of eggs and an apple (which did NOT mix well in my stomach - never again) and tried to take a nap. Later that evening I had a lovely sandwich from the famous Hana Foods in Williamsburg. I didn't really eat enough yesterday.
Today was a cooking day. I wanted to cook enough food for the next few days, so I didn't eat out and spend money, and also so I would eat well.
I made what has become a standard dish of mine - a ground turkey tomato sauce and spaghetti squash. This time, I threw some orange zest in, which actually turned out really well. It added a nice brightness to the sauce. To balance that out, I added some grated romano, which wasn't the exact flavor I was looking for, but was still good.
I take crappy pics. Deal with it. |
I also made a salsa verde for the small rainbow trout I picked up. Boiled a couple of tomatillos and threw them into the blender with some hot pepper, cilantro, basil, parsley, a garlic clove, salt and some evoo (fuck off, we used to use that word in restaurants way before rachel ray). Needs some work, but still a tasty sauce.
Sometimes I even take REALLY crappy pics. You just have to deal with that, too. |
I used the salsa to cover the trout, which I also stuffed with Mineola orange segments (I bought a billion to slice and put out at a party last weekend and totally forgot, so if you're wondering about all the orange in my cooking, now you know why) and baked it in the oven. I ate it with some butternut squash I also cooked up this evening. My romantic relationship with the rainbow trout vendor at the Greenmarket is over. That is one bony little fish. Decent clean flavor, but all those BONES...
I also roasted up some sunchokes. I don't think I've cooked with them before, which is weird. I look forward to experimenting with them. They have a nice, buttery flavor (could be because I roasted them in lard), but I do kind of wish I had peeled them.
While I cooked, my brother cooked along side of me, starting preparations on a meal he's cooking for a friend later in the week.
His attention to detail is impressive. |
Cooking alongside my brother all night and listening to music?
He's wearing the hoodie I got him for Christmas a couple years back, and the Team Kyle tshirt from my birthday extravaganza underneath. |
What could be better?
Have a good night.
PS: I really, really, feel like going for a run but am so, so tired. I feel weirdly emotional, and I think the run would help, but I can barely keep my eyes open. K. Thoughts over.